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Accessible Website Reconstruction Initiative Made Staged Achievement

2008-07-24 15:05

To make the disabled person better share and benefit from the ICT has become a global concern. China increasingly makes efforts to shrink the digital divide, especially endeavoring to develop and research advanced technology to help the disabled person so that they can barrier-free access information.

On April 8th, Internet Society of China (ISC) was jointly with China Foundation for Disabled Persons, China Communications Standards Association, Information Center of China Disabled Persons’ Federation, and the Technology Department of Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad to co-launch an initiative calling for domestic websites to reconstruct their channels for the disabled person’s easier access information with barrier-free.

As the coming of 2008 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, the initiative focused on accessible reconstruction on Olympic and Paralympic Games-related websites or channels. ISC members, also the top Internet companies such as Xinhuanet.com, CCTV.com, China.com.cn, Baidu.com, Sina.com.cn, 21CN etc actively participated in this initiative and completed related reconstruction project through half a year.

On July 23rd, the Press Conference on Accessible Website and Technology Application for 2008 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games was held to show these websites’ reconstruction achievement.  Meanwhile, the official website of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad and China Disabled Persons’ Federation aslo respectively completed the reconstruction in this initiative.


Madam HU, Chairperson of ISC


A live demo : how easily the blind visit the reconstructed websites  

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