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China Anti-Spam Campaign will Enter into a New Phase

2005-12-12 08:53

Since the Internet and its application acquire rapid development, a series of problems related to Internet have accompanied, some of which may lead to a lot of troubles, for example, the Spam. The flooding of Spam will result in a mass of network resources being wasted, and the normal email corresponding being affected. Currently, Spam is utilized by some network virus and hackers as a carrier for virus spreading, which has caused several network security cases. Meanwhile, Spamers have already formed a closely cooperative mechanism in the whole world, and their methods of sending become more covert and trickish. The most way they take is to transmit Spam through foreign countries" servers in order to escape the law punishment. It not only directly threatens the Internet information security, but also aggrieves email users" legitimate rights and corporation"s benefits.

In the face of increasingly austere and complicated position, for the sake of playing the role of industry self-discipline, to promote common email service"s healthy and orderly development, ISC inaugurated Anti-Spam Committee of Internet Society of China (ASISC) on the basis of "ISC Anti-Spam Coordination Team" on December 9th 2005, which is the furthest representative framework of the industry. The establishment of the working committee indicates that China anti-Spam project is stepping into a new phase. For three years, more and more people in China have dedicated themselves into the anti-Spam efforts, many of whom are the top and renowned ones of the field. The anti-Spam work will be more standardized, the measures and instruments will also be perfected and improved that the control of Spam could be more effective.

The function of ASISC is to hold together email service-related corporations, enterprises and social groups to promote anti-Spam efforts in China. The main responsibilities are to constitute email service standards and criterions, safeguard the interests of the whole industry, protect email users" legitimate rights, develop various international or regional communication and cooperation, improve email service"s quality and management level, and promote the public email service"s healthy and orderly development.

ASISC is consisted of email or network service providers, relevant corporations, enterprises, science research institutes and government sectors that are willing to dedicate themselves to promote the healthy development of email service industry. By vote, Madam WANG Xiujun, Deputy Director General of Telecommunication Administration Bureau of MII, is appointed as the Chairman of ASISC. Mr. LI Wenzhang (Deputy Director General of Fair Trade Bureau of SAIC), Mr. HUANG Mingsheng (president of 263 Group), Mr. LI Songbo (CTO of Sina.com.cn), Mr. DING Lei (CEO of NetEase), Mr. WANG Leilei (CEO of Tom Online), Mr. ZHANG Xiangdong (president of Hichina), Mr. HUANG Chengqing (Secretary-general of ISC), Mr. YUN Xiaochun (Associate General Engineer of CNCERT/CC) are appointed as the Vice Chairmen. At the same time, Mr. HUNG Chengqing plays the role of the Secretary-general of the Committee.

Since ISC Anti-Spam Coordinate Team set up on November 1st, 2002, it has made great efforts to fight with Spam by actively calling for the joint efforts with ISPs, ESPs and netizens. With the aim of pushing forward China"s email service standardization and promoting email industry"s steadily development, ASCT has launched a series of effective anti-Spam work with each member and all aspects of society, which acquires approval and support from the society:

---- Constitute and Implement Related Email Service Criterions, Sufficiently Play the Role of Industry Self-discipline 

---- Promote Construction of Technique Service Platform for Black and White List, Set up Anti-Spam Coordination Mechanism

---- Launch Anti-Spam related Survey and Research work

---- Organize Training targeting for E-mail Server Administrators

---- Establish Cooperative Mechanism of Anti-Spam, Strengthen International/Regional Communication and Cooperation


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