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“Initiatives for the Construction of Chinese Domain Names Application Environment” Released

2022年08月31日 09:25

The 5th Chinese Domain Name Innovation and Application Forum was held on August 30,2022. The forum was guided by the Internet Society of China (ISC) and the China Trademark Association, hosted by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), Computer Network Information Center (CNIC) and Knet, organized by the Registry of “.网址”. 


With the theme of "Following general trendSeek innovation together"under the guidance of "14th Five Year Plan", the forum made a multi angle interpretation of the development of Chinese domain names. Focusing on the topic of the importance of Chinese domain names, the significance of improving the application environment of Chinese domain names and the challenges, the forum made a detailed analysis of national policy trends and the current situation of the market environment, encouraged relevant Internet institutions, enterprises and users to work together to accelerate the improvement of the application environment of Chinese domain names.


Göran Marby, President and CEO of ICANN, said in his video address that language is an expression of culture and history. When people go online, they should not lose this expression. China has taken the lead in achieving this goal. Today, many Chinese browsers and e-mail services have been upgraded and have achieved UA. This is impressive.


He Guili, Vice President of ISC, released The Test Report on Internet Applications Supporting Chinese Domain Names during the forum


In order to implement relevant national policy requirements and respond to calls from all stakeholders, based on years of experience in the promotion of Chinese domain names, together with the industry, ISC has extensively discussed, led the drafting and proposed the Initiatives for the Construction of Chinese Domain Names Application Environment (hereinafter referred to as the Initiatives), and it proposed from six dimensions, including making no distinction between Chinese and English domain names; encouraging UA support from the developer and open sources; actively participating into the formulation of technical standards; enhancing publicity and education, conducting the domain name industry self-regulation and promoting the using of a variety of Chinese Internet access methods.

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