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He Guili Attended the 2022 Apsara Conference Internet Industry and Feitian Technology Innovation Summit

2022年11月05日 13:00

The 2022 Apsara Conference "Internet Industry and Feitian Technology Innovation Summit" was held in Hangzhou on November 4, 2022. He Guili, VP and Deputy Secretary General of the Internet Society of China (ISC), attended the summit and delivered a speech.


He Guili pointed out in his speech that cloud computing has 

evolved from a service form of IT resources to an important 

base for the digital transformation of enterprises. It is a new 

generation of software architecture paradigm, which promotes 

the innovation of enterprise management and production and 

operation models. It presents the development characteristics 

from resources to cloud for architecture, from rough use to 

fine governance, from function priority to security and stability,and is the key focus of future digital economy development.

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