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ISC Attended ETIS Anti-Abuse Telco Network Meeting

2014-03-30 10:16

On March 27, Internet Society of China (ISC) attended the ETIS Anti-Abuse Telco Network Meeting in Netherlands, at which the participants exchanged the progress and experience in anti-spam and discussed the potential opportunities and challenges in the future. 

The meeting format included keynote speech, Q&A and seminar etc. ISC introduced its specific practices and achievements in anti-spam in China from six aspects, self-regulation, technological measures, international cooperation, legislative studies, industry administration assistance, and training and public promotion. 

The participants paid close attention to the anti-spam work and achievements in China and expected ISC could continuously exert positive effects on international exchange and coordination. To respond the expectation, ISC expressed the willingness to enhance exchanges with the international organizations in combating online message abuse and contribute to the global Internet governance. 

The meeting attracted 33 participants from 18 companies including major European telecommunication operators, anti-spam organizations and security companies.

The participants exchanged information and views on anti-phishing, mail account theft, crank call and DMARK process and communicated the technology innovation, for example, Symantec shared the technology of logging on an account by scanning the fingerprint by telephone instead of by the password on PC. 

The understanding on anti-abuse was deepened through the meeting, and the follow-up exchanges and cooperation in anti-abuse between China and other countries were promoted and the solid foundation for the long-term, mutual benefit and win-win coordination and development was laid. 

Brief introduction of ETIS

Founded in 1991, ETIS is a membership based organization which brings together the major telecommunications providers in Europe to share knowledge on key information and communication technology issues in a trusted environment. The Mission of ETIS is to enable its members to improve their business performance by the personal exchange of information on using ICT effectively. ETIS achieves this by engaging its members in working groups & task forces, sharing best-practices & common requirements, benchmarking, surveys and an active online community.

ETIS currently runs 10 working groups organised around different topics. In early 2007, ETIS initiated a pilot project to explore the potential of active Anti-Spam co-operation among ETIS member ISPs. In the following year, this has turned into an established ETIS Anti-Spam Co-operation Working Group. The full membership is open to European Telecom Operators, including Telecom Italia, KPN, TDC, Norwegian telecom, Belgacom, Turkcell, Deutsche Telekom, Swisscom and BT. The associate members are HP, Ericsson, Trend Micro, Return Path, Oracle and Cloudmark etc. By sharing the best practices, experience and based on the feedback loop and trusted partnership, the Anti-Spam Co-operation Working Group aims to reduce the spam volume and minimum the threats on the members’ websites. 

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