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“2007 World Internet Creative Leaders Conference” Held in Beijing

2007-03-23 16:21

"2007 World Internet Creative Leaders Conference" hosted by Internet Society of China (ISC) was held in Beijing from March 21st to 22nd. Internet experts from home and abroad, officials from relevant government sectors and some young entrepreneurs were present at the Conference. The foreign experts included some famous scientists such as Director of EU ISTRA Mr. Clive Best and Chairman of Korean Internet Association Mr. Kilnam Chon etc.

The Conference was composed of five sub-forums focusing on global e-commerce enterprises, search giants, network communities, web2.0 media enterprises, venture capital and innovation enterprises etc. The theme of the Conference was Internet innovation, development and revolution. It also explored the opportunity and challenge of international Internet industry development in the coming 5 years.

Madam HU Qiheng, Chairperson of ISC released address at the Conference and the Secretary General Mr. HUANG Chengqing was the moderator.

Other experts giving theme speech included Mr. Peter Herford (former Vice President of Columbia Broadcasting System), Mr. William ZHANG (Baidu Chief Scientist), Mr. Taketsune Watanabe (Chairman of Japan Internet Providers Association), Mr. XIONG Chengyu (Professor of Tsinghua University), Mr. FANG Xingdong (President of Bokee), Mr. WANG Zhidong (President of Dianji.com) and Mr. CHEN Hongbo (Vice President of Tsinghua Science Park).
More information please visit official website: http://wiclc.chinalabs.com/.

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