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Successful 79th IETF Meeting Reflects Growing Contribution of Chinese Engineers

2010-10-11 12:06

Beijing – November 12, 2010 – The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the pre-eminent standards organization for the Internet, today concluded an extremely successful week-long event, made possible by the invitation, efforts, and support of Tsinghua University, the Internet Society of China, and CNNIC.

The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high-quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. The meeting gathered over 1,200 of the leading Internet engineers from around the world, more than 300 of them from China.
Highlights from this week’s meeting include:

(1)A panel discussion of leading experts on the Internet’s upcoming transition to IPv6, the next generation Internet protocol, which is critical to the global Internet’s continued growth.

(2)In-person meetings of more than 130 Working Groups tackling some of the most demanding technical challenges and opportunities facing the Internet
Over the last few years the IETF has seen an increased participation by Chinese engineers.

Russ Housley, Chairman of the IETF commented: “The IETF’s mission is to constantly improve the working of the Internet – as a result we seek broad participation to maintain the global relevance of our activities. As the numbers of Chinese participants have grown, we felt that the time was right to hold our first meeting in China. We are very thankful to our co-hosts, Tsinghua University, the Internet Society of China and the China Network Information Center for enabling us to do so.”

Quoted from Madam Qiheng Hu, President of Internet Society of China

This is the first time for IETF meeting held in Beijing, China. And it is also a good opportunity for China Internet community to closely exchange and communicate with those who are Internet technology initiators, innovators and important IETF RFC authors in the global Internet community. With face to face exchange will deeply trigger the innovation of Internet in China and help us to keep up with the Internet development progress of the world. I would like to express my great appreciate to Internet Society and IETF Secretariat for choosing Beijing to be the IETF 79 venue. And I would like to thank everyone that made the contributions to this successful event.

Quoted from Jianping Wu, Professor of Tsinghua University

The Internet history is a history of innovation, and the IETF is the premier body of these technical innovations. Nowadays, the Internet has not only become the most important part of people’s daily life, but also brought about a significant impact on economic growth, social reform and technological advancements in China. China’s Internet development benefits a lot from the IETF and the global Internet community, and I believe it’s also important for us to make our future contributions to the future Internet development.

In recent years, more and more Chinese Internet scientists and engineers have participated in the IETF meetings to share their common interests and experience in the Internet technical innovation and development.

On this special occasion, Tsinghua University would like to express our congratulations to IETF and special thanks to our sponsors and our host teams, and of course, our participants. Your participation has made us together in Beijing successful. Today, China is not only the country with the largest Internet users, but also should be the key contributors of Internet technical innovation. I wish this IETF meeting be the landmark of China’s Internet history.

Quoted from Wei Mao, director of CNNIC

Just as many individuals, organizations, and countries, CNNIC , act as China Internet infrastructure and technology development institutions, which also benefits from the open principal of IETF, and trying to share the wisdom of all technical IETF experts.

We are glad to see IETF experts who come from different countries around world, gathered in Beijing in the first time for the exchange of technical practice, and try to give counsel suggest about the underlying architecture developments for global Internet.

Meanwhile, we also very honored to take this opportunity for making contributions to IETF as one of hosts; CNNIC will continue to work at international exchange for Internet.

**About the Internet Engineering Task Force

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the Internet"s premier technical standards body. It gathers a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. For more information, see: http://www.ietf.org



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