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2017 China Internet Conference Successfully Closed

2017-07-27 13:44

The 16th China Internet Conference was successfully closed on July 13. 

In the closure remark session, Mr. Li Yizhong, the Standing Committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of Economic Committee and President of China Industry and Economy League pointed out that new technology is the key part of the new industry, therefore it is necessary to focus on the research, development and innovation of key technology, especially on achievement transformation and industrialization, so as to drive the development of new industry. Intelligent manufacturing, the main target of Made in China 2025 strategy, relays on seizing the innovation transformation, promotion and application of intelligent technology, and may start from building intelligent production lines, digital workshops, intelligent factories and intelligent manufacturing online platform. 

Then, Mr. Micha Benoliel, the Co-Founder of Open Garden, Mr. Hew Wee Choong, the Vice President of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation and Mr. Xu Min, the Founder of Hangzhou Anchun Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Vice President of Internet Electronic Data Institute delivered theme speeches. 

During the part of “Touch the Internet Future, TIF”, a similar TED talk program, four distinguished participants shared their ideas around cyber security, network trust and Internet ecosystem etc., including Mr. John Cioffi, the Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame, Professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University, and CEO and Chairman of the broad, ASSIA, Mr. Paul Vixie, the Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame and CEO of Farsight Security, Inc., Ms. Radia Perlman, the Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame, Academician of US National Academy of Engineering, and Inventor of Spanning Tree Protocol, as well as Mr. Paul Wilson, the Director General of APNIC. 

During the part of “Investor Talks Entrepreneurship”, Mr. Zhuang Ruo, the CEO of Zhongminpuhui Finance, said that artificial intelligence, consumption upgrade, online education, culture and entertainment, and B2B have become the five segments attached most attention of Internet investment, and “Artificial Intelligence + Finance” has been a new finance service model.
During the part of “Finding Wonderful Activities”, side event “Find out” activity--2017 China Internet Vitality impetus & Innovation potential released the demonstration cases. 

Besides, several release activities presented at the Closing Ceremony, such as Launching of New Tech Achievements for 2017 China International IoT Expo, Establishment Ceremony of ISC Standard Working Committee, Inauguration Ceremony of BRICS Digital Economy Research Center, Awarding Ceremony of Industry Internet Segments Pilot Demonstration, Signing Ceremony of Strategic Cooperation Between ISC and ZTE, and New Book Release: Sharing Economy, Reshaping the Future. 


Mr. Li Yizhong, the Standing Committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of Economic Committee and President of China Industry and Economy League


Mr. Micha Benoliel, the Co-Founder of Open Garden 香港正版综合资料大全官网

Mr. Hew Wee Choong, the Vice President of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation


Mr. Xu Min, the Founder of Hangzhou Anchun Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Vice President of Internet Electronic Data Institute


“TIF Talk”: Mr. John Cioffi, the Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame, Professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University, and CEO and Chairman of the broad, ASSIA


“TIF Talk”: Mr. Paul Vixie, the Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame and CEO of Farsight Security, Inc.


“TIF Talk”: Ms. Radia Perlman, the Inductee of Internet Hall of Fame, Academician of US National Academy of Engineering, and Inventor of Spanning Tree Protocol 


“TIF Talk”: Mr. Paul Wilson, the Director General of APNIC


Mr. Zhuang Ruo, the CEO of Zhongminpuhui Finance 


2017“Find out” activity--2017 China Internet Vitality impetus & Innovation potential released the demonstration cases

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