2018 China Internet Conference opened in Beijing
2018-07-24 15:31
Hosted by the Internet Society of China (ISC), 2018 (the 17th) China Internet Conference opened at China National Convention Centre in Beijing on July 10th, 2018, themed “Integrated Development and Co-Governance—New Era, New Journey and New Energy”.
Distinguished and high-level guests were invited to the conference, including Chen Zhaoxiong, Vice-Minister of MIIT, and Huai Jinpeng, Party Secretary of the China Association for Science and Technology, to give keynote speech opening ceremony. Officials from related government departments and organizations such as CAC, NDRC, CAE, CAICT attended the event.
Wu Hequan, President of ISC, made a welcome remark, in which he expressed warm welcome to the present officials, experts, entrepreneurs, media and the participants, along with sincere gratitude to the all the support given to the Conference and ISC.
In his keynote, Minister Chen Zhaoxiong gave an account of the continuous achievements made in the new era of Internet. The Internet upgrading has been accelerating and the foundations of IoT has been laid; the competitiveness of the enterprises have grown and the market has witnessed a new trend of development;
The integration of Internet application has been deepening and a new source of energy has been stimulating the economic growth.
Titled “Creation of Innovative Communication Technology Environment and Promotion of Strategic Digital Economy Development”, Huai Jinpeng’s keynote focused on the introduction of ICT innovation and digital economy’s impact on economy and society governing. By analyzing the opportunities and challenges that the digital transition has brought China, he pointed out the technological revolution has opened up a huge market and the innovation and integration of new technologies represented by Internet, IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data and AI will break the traditional structure of economy, business and management.
Wu Hequan’s “A New Stage Led by Industrial Internet” titled keynote gave a detailed introduction of the industrial IoT and its application in the aspects of physical layer, link layer and cloud platforms. Wu noted that the industrial Internet represents a new stage of Internet development, serves as the main carrier of the integration of Internet, big data, AI and real economy, and it’s at the same time the foundation of the future developments of manufacturing industry. It aims to build intelligent factories, to promote the digital transformation of enterprises, to fuel the digital economy and to support an intelligent society. The industrial Internet shall require a close combination of ICT and OT technology, an open standard and an emphasis on Internet security. The enterprises shall also adjust its management procedure and innovate its technology to cope with the unprecedented situation.
During the “Voice of Industry” session, Qi Xiangdong, the Founder of 360 Company and Chairman of the 360 Enterprise Security Group, Chen Qiangbin, CEO of Yonyou Network Co., Ltd. and Liang Xinping, Chinese product director of Google TensorFlow made keynotes respectively.
The Conference lasted for three days and included 25 sub-forums focusing on heatedly discussed fields like Internet Unicorns, “Belt and Road”, AI, FinTech, IPv6, block-chain, personal information protection and so on.