ISC and NetEase Work Together to Promote the Launch of Chinese Email Address and Expand Cultural Self-confidence
2020-09-27 10:51
On Sep. 16, the Chinese Domain Names Initiative (CDNI) of the Internet Society of China (ISC) visited NetEase. As one of the leading Chinese email brands, NetEase Personal Mail has started testing the support of Chinese email addresses, and they are willing to carry out more and wider testing together with ISC, according to the Director of NetEase Mail.
Since the foundation in January 2020, CDNI has actively promoted the application and publication of Chinese IDN. This visit and research, led by Pei Wei, the Deputy Secretary-General of ISC and Chairman of CDNI, is to promote the Email address internationalization (EAI) in leading email vendors in China.
The NetEase Mail team first introduced to CDNI their email services and related work on EAI support. They have been developing Chinese EAI since 2013. In 2014, their started to support Chinese IDN. Beta users of may register and use a [email protected]. From now on, NetEase Mail will work together with CDNI to set work goals and move forward EAI in China, so as to achieve full EAI support as soon as possible.
Test Page Screenshot
Pei Wei, the Deputy Secretary-General of ISC, introduced CDNI and expressed her appreciation and gratitude for the EAI work carried out by the NetEase Mail team.
Walter Wu, Vice Chairman of the CDNI, introduced the UA of IDN in China and outside China. This work is to achieve that all valid domain names and email addresses can be used correctly in all Internet applications, devices and systems.
Jiankang Yao, researcher of China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) and co-chair of the IETF Email mailstore and eXtensions To Revise or Amend (EXTRA) working group, introduced the technological evolution, application and promotion of Chinese IDN and EAI.
Chinese IDNs are of great significance in promoting cultural confidence and facilitating Chinese users to access the Internet. The Chinese government encourages and supports the technical research, promotion and application of Chinese IDN. To widely use Chinese IDN requires a good environment and the cooperative efforts of the industry, especially the exemplary role of leading Internet companies in China. In the next step, CDNI will promote the formulation of relevant action plans and roadmaps to accelerate the development and application of Chinese IDN.
CDNI members who joined the visit include: Rui Zhong, Director of International Department of ISC and Executive Vice Chairman of CDNI, Zhijiang Liu, Walter Wu, and Xiucheng Wu, UA Ambassadors, Jiankang Yao, Qing Cai from CNNIC, Professor Guanggang Geng from Jinan University.
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